Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Fourth Amendment”

How Do You Catch A Fish?

The [Deep State] is reacting out of fear. They know that Trump has everything: All of their treasonous crimes. Trump has been baiting them in, appearing weak while he is strong.

The [Deep State] is now trapped in their own agenda and the people are now seeing how the FBI and Department Of Justice are weaponized by the Biden administration. Trump is now taking action because they violated the fourth amendment.

Trump sends a message about the Trump card. Is he suggesting that it is time to use the Trump card? More from the X22 Report.

Biden Team Behind Raid

Surprise, Surprise! We are now proving that Joe Biden’s administration was directly behind the Mar-A-Lago raid. These leftist fascists began coordinating with the Department of Justice and the National Archives and Records Administration in early May. More from Styxhexenhammer666.

President Trump recently teased on Truth Social a ‘major’ announcement ‘pertaining to the Fourth Amendment’ and concerning the FBI’s recent raid of his Mar-a-Lago home. So what could Donald Trump be planning to do next? Journalist John Solomon, author of Fallout, gives Glenn Beck his best guess. Plus, Solomon details more information concerning the raid, and he recaps FBI corruption that’s existed for DECADES: ‘This is an agency that has…a very big history of abuses. Time and time and time again.’

New letter from the National Archives obtained by John Solomon from Just The News reveals the Biden Administration was the catalyst of the Trump Criminal Probe. President Biden’s White House authorized the waiving of Executive Privilege that allowed the criminal probe to unfold. In this video, criminal defense lawyer Robert Gouveia reviews the 10 steps to Trump’s Indictment and Representative Jim Jordan responds

Trump warrant Judge Bruce Reinhart REJECTS the Government’s attempts to keep the entire Mar-a-Lago search warrant sealed. We review the order from the Florida District Court that explains why the Government’s justifications were not enough to keep the information sealed in this “unprecedented” raid. Meanwhile, the Gang of 8, Congresspeople who make up the intelligence committees, seeks access to the affidavit and we review the Docket.

As anger continues to swell across the country in the wake of the FBI RAID on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, Steve Bannon issues a warning to Merrick Garland, saying that when Republicans are back in charge, he may face prison. New polls from YouGov show that if Liz Cheney runs to stop Trump from winning office, she may actually help him win. More from Robert Gouveia.

Preemptive Policing

The Supreme Court just overturned the opinions of two lower courts and said a law enforcement officer who had a hunch did not violate a man’s Fourth Amendment rights when he stopped his car without “reasonable suspicion” of lawbreaking. Conservative Associate Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the opinion for the 8-1 majority, with only Liberal Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor in dissent. Are you willing to give a cop discretion to stop you if he “lacks information negating an inference?” The “Right Angle” crew of Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott engage in an intense debate on the issue on the Bill Whittle Channel.

On The Cusp Of Civil War

Award-winning journalist Matt Taibbi recently wrote an article describing what is going on with impeachment, Russia, Ukraine, etc., as a “permanent coup.” The article is stunning in that he goes into great detail explaining his personal experiences in ‘what comes next,’ having reported on actual coups against governmental leaders. His article explains how the intelligence agencies began targeting Trump even before he took office.

In the end he avers that this could result in Trump refusing to back down and calling in special forces to target the leakers. I think it will be worse than that.

If Taibbi is correct, and he certainly has credibility, then the actions taken by Democrats against the president will be backed by the far left, actions taken by the president will be defended by his ardent supporters. This is not some story about small groups of governmental actors trying to take control of the chain of command but a story about two growing factions with completely different views of the world, views that cannot be reconciled.

While far left protesters become increasingly aggressive outside Trump rallies, they get met with a growing faction of Trump supporters and right wingers standing defiant. The street-level conflict is already here.

If the intelligence agencies are actually going after the president to remove him, as Taibbi claims, then I assure you it won’t end with a small group of politicians making phone calls. Trump himself quoted a warning of civil war in the event he is removed. I hope we are all wrong. More from Tim Pool.

Former CIA and US GOV officials confirm the coup against President Trump using a “whistleblower” in this satirical video. More from Politisoup.

Is the United States on the verge of a civil war? All signs point to it. A Deep State coup against a duly elected president. An out-of-control judiciary legislating from the bench. Far left Marxist legislators attempting to subvert the U.S. Constitution. First, second and fourth amendment rights being violated by would-be public servants and and media tech giants. Violent protesters who will stop at nothing to injure or kill those whose opinions they disagree with. All signs point to a conflict that could make 2020 the bloodiest year in the history of our nation. We’ll delve into the whys, the wheres, the hows and what President Donald Trump is doing about it. It’s going to get ugly. David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!

Why the Vault 7 Release Now?

Who really leaked VAULT 7 details on CIA eavesdropping thru your TV and cellphone? Did ‘good guys’ really expose these Deep State secrets — or were they leaked for a sinister purpose by ‘bad guys?’

And why now? Why is this the perfect time for the real leaker to expose Deep State spying to the general public?

As America realizes NSA wiretapping is out of control and reels at the thought of illegal CIA surveillance, are we distracted from the shocking fact that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower to help Hillary win the 2016 election?

Should we be happy or suspicious that Wikileaks (Julian Assange) supposedly leaked these Vault 7 documents exposing Deep State spying on every American citizen in violation of the 4th Amendment?

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This video has been removed from YouTube, presumably censored. In its absence, we present from Bitchute another video, by Dazzling1, revealing how Vault 7 shows the CIA is using smart TVs, phones and PCs to spy upon the general public.)


Our Right to Privacy

The right to privacy is a fundamental right, yet we are reminded of the sobering fact that Big Brother is watching. Khaliah Barnes, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, tells host John Stossel that our Fourth Amendment rights are constantly violated. She argues how protections are needed to prevent government and other entities from intruding on our personal information in this edition of LibertyPen.

Death of the Fourth Amendment


The Obama Administration is moving aggressively to invade your privacy and gut the Fourth Amendment. Pundit Dick Morris reports.

Stand for the Fourth

On July 4th, hundreds of protesters gathered on Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles as part of a nationwide rally organized by Restore the Fourth, a self-described non-partisan movement demanding an end to the “unconstitutional surveillance methods employed by the US government.”

“We’ve talked to libertarian groups, we’ve talked to Republican and Tea Party groups, we’ve talked to Democratic groups,” explained rally organizer Xander Snyder. “If you are an American and you believe in the backbone of America – which is The Constitution – then you believe in what the Fourth Amendment has to stand for.”

ReasonTV was on the scene to cover the rally and talk with participants about their concerns.

NSA Trashes 4th Amendment

All of us want security from terrorism, but at what price? The NSA, for instance, is now running roughshod over our freedoms, pretty much trashing and thrashing the Fourth Amendment. Pundit Dick Morris spells how this rogue agency, in concert with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance or FISA court, is making a mockery of American values.

I Plead the Fifth

IRS officials are either big Dave Chappelle fans or else their penchant for pleading the Fifth is a grand hypocrisy, seeing as how they stand accused of trampling the First Amendment, as well as violating citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights. Judge Jeanine takes the rogue agency to task.

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